Our Best Practices Promise
Our goal is to produce Labrador retrievers that will hunt waterfowl and upland birds, have an excellent temperament, and be wonderful additions to your family home. Our dogs at As You Wish Retrievers have their hips, elbows, and eyes OFA tested. In addition, we have our labs tested for genetic diseases through Paw Print Genetics Labrador Retriever Essential Panel. All our female labs hunt upland birds and waterfowl and are tested to the highest level in HRC, APLA, and AKC hunt tests.
Our Females
4xGMPRTC GRHRCH UH Rivers wild Robin Goodfellow MH
"Puck" -Retired
Our original yellow pointing lab Puck loves the games and has earned herself several titles. She loves the chase and is lightening fast going out and coming back.
MPR GRHRCH UH Riverswild Jiminy Cricket
Cricket, a half sister to Puck, is 65 lbs of muscle and loves drills just as much as she likes marks, she loves to work. Cricket is good tempered and quiet in the duck blind.
1.5GMPR HR As You Wish Rockstar's Blazing Oak
"Oakley" -Retired
Oakley is a yellow pointing lab female, out of our female Cricket. Oakley is our go-to guide dog for Rapid Wings Pheasant Farm and has won multiple chukar challenges.Â
MPR HRCH As You Wish My Name is Inigo Montoya
Our 55 lb. pointing lab Goose, out of Puck, achieved titles in UKC and APLA. Where Goose excels is in Montana and South Dakota pointing roosters and chasing down crippled birds.Â
APR HRCH As You Wish Rodent of Unusual Size
R.O.U.S (Rodent of Unusual Size) is our yellow pointing lab female out of our female Cricket. Rous is showing promise in the upland field and was dragging crippled geese back at 6 months old.Â
HRCH As You Wish Have Fun Storming the Castle
"Aunt B"
Aunt B is our youngest yellow pointing lab female, out of our female Puck. B has shown incredible marking skills at a young age and will be running derbies in the 2024 hunt test season.
Our Males
APR HR As You Wish The Man In Black
Westley is out of our female Puck and NCK Pointing Lab Rock. Westley has earned his CPR and Westley is getting ready for the 2024 APLA and HRC testing season and looking forward to running finished and master.
APR HR As You Wish Falco Nobody's Replacement
Falco is a littermate to B out out of our female Puck. and NFC NFCH Floyd. Falco is finishing his basic training and will be joining B in their 2024 derby season as well run in the master level of APLA. Falco is showing excellent marking ability and high drive.Â
As You Wish
Just One
Just One is a out of our female 4xGMPR HRCH UH Puck MH and NFC NFCH Floyd. One is just beginning his training here at As You Wish Retrievers. We are excited about his prospects in the field trial derby circuit.
Fall 2024
We are repeating this popular breeding between Cricket and Ace this Spring. We expect black and yellow puppies from this litter and are accepting spots on our waitlist.
MPR GRHRCH UH Riverswild Jiminy Cricket “Cricket”
4XGMPR HRCH CVK Rock Chalk Aces High MH “Ace”
Spring 2025
We have two litters planned next spring with our female Goose and Max and Cricket and Max next spring. We bred Puck and Goose to Floyd last year and were extremely pleased with the litters. These will be an all yellow litter and we are accepting spots on our waitlist.
MPR HRCH As You Wish My Name is Inigo Montoya “Goose”
AFC Hayseed Wilder Max4 QA2
MPR GRHRCH Riverswild Jiminy Cricket
AFC Hayseed Wilder Max4 QA2
Upcoming Litters
 Please follow this page or our Facebook page for future information.